Do you believe in your rights? Will you demand your liberties? Will you fight for your freedoms? Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!!!! (21st Century) Yo……Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!!!! (psst..I ain’t planning on dying. Fill in the blanks.) Son of Liberty 2020
Tag Archives: Rights
Values vs. Control
Thought of the day: “When your values are about personal liberty, freedom, and autonomy, then you will reject thought control by the government…or by others.” Consider the question: do you believe that certain words should be forbidden? Should not be allowed to be said? And/or that some people, because of their race, are not allowed to …
What Do You Value? Have You Thought About It….?
I have thought about it. Here are some things I value. I value: Rights, liberties, freedoms. I value: personal autonomy, both bodily and in thought. I value: each person making up his/her own mind. And….I value each person’s RIGHT to their own view. I value: questioning, challenging, even saying “show me” or “prove it” to …
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Values vs. Political Posturing for Gain
Thought of the day: “When your values are what drives you, then you are consistent in applying those values. Your task is then functional, to make it work.” Example of a value: “my body, my choice”. If you believe that, and you then say abortion, for example, is your choice because it’s your body, and …
You’re Headed for Self-Destruction. The warning rings true. Yet so many are addicted to the crack. And the destruction that goes with it. Destruction of our society. Our culture. Our country. Our rights, liberties, and freedoms. Rights and liberties come first. Stand up for yours. Or give them up to those who “know better than …
Belief in Government. Believing in Government as You Do Church. Hmmm, no potential problem there…..
When people believe what they are told. Don’t question their sources, let alone vet them. When they are like hound dogs set on the scent of a fox….told “go” and they take off. Never questioning what they’ve been told. For reasons of pavlovian responsiveness…or because intuitively they understand they have been pulled on a string …
Freedom Truckers..Go Canada Go!
No mandates to be free. No mandates to live…to travel…to go to work…to go to a restaurant. When the “fringe” is the majority. When the “deplorables” are the ones who support freedom, rights, liberties. When the “uneducated” are the ones who think for themselves. Then…… ………………………we are in 2022. Get up! Stand Up! Stand Up …
A New Year. A New Spirit?
What will 2022 bring? More of the same? Or will enough people decide the “experts” aren’t really experts after all. And the politicians who have used the covid to shut down/lock down/suppress are not after the best interests of the people or society. New York City. Chicago. Boston. You must have a passport to enter …
Expansion, Immigration, Invasion
For so many today it seems to be a new understanding. As happens so often when someone absorbs a new idea, they seem to have capacity for only a part of the idea. When mixed with their views of current politics and society, they can be almost one-dimensional in understanding. Yet certain in that understanding. …
ID for Alcohol..but Not to Vote
You need an ID to buy alcohol…tobacco…pot…controlled medicine ordered by your doctor. You need an ID to enter a bar or club or casino. Did you know you are the victim of racism? If you’re black, you likely don’t have an ID, because somehow Biden and Democrats think black people don’t know how to get …