What Do You Value? Have You Thought About It….?

I have thought about it. Here are some things I value. I value: Rights, liberties, freedoms. I value: personal autonomy, both bodily and in thought. I value: each person making up his/her own mind. And….I value each person’s RIGHT to their own view. I value: questioning, challenging, even saying “show me” or “prove it” to …

Values vs. Political Posturing for Gain

Thought of the day: “When your values are what drives you, then you are consistent in applying those values. Your task is then functional, to make it work.” Example of a value: “my body, my choice”. If you believe that, and you then say abortion, for example, is your choice because it’s your body, and …

The Hypocrisy

For liberal/progressive Democrats who know that conservatives are: bad, neanderthal, racist, sexist, islamophobic, … the challenge is real. The challenge of continuing to look down on conservatives, on Republicans (who to them are one in the same), to view them with disdain and contempt. Pink pussy hat wearing outraged protesters…yet…supporters, defenders, and apologists for Bill …