Values vs. Control

Thought of the day: “When your values are about personal liberty, freedom, and autonomy, then you will reject thought control by the government…or by others.”

Consider the question: do you believe that certain words should be forbidden? Should not be allowed to be said? And/or that some people, because of their race, are not allowed to say certain words?

For example: do you believe white people should not be allowed to say the “N…..” word?

For example: One Representative in the US House of Representatives was saying that white people should not be allowed to criticize “people of color”.

If you believe that, then who determines what a criticism is?

What constitutes a criticism? Who decides whether the white person has violated this commandment? Does the commandment mean that even if a white person is quoting a “person of color”, even in a positive way that is agreeing with them and what they have said….does it mean that the white person is still forbidden from saying the words?

What if some “people of color” think the white person should be allowed to say the word(s), but others don’t? Is the white person allowed to speak only if ALL “people of color” approve? Does the approval have to be in writing?

And….if…..after all that….you answered “yes” to each of those questions….

… long before white people say:

“F*ck That” ?

If, however, you value personal independence, rights, and liberties, you would think that each person has the right to say whatever he or she wants to.

And if others don’t like what they heard, then that’s their problem.

That the answer is NOT to suppress the speech of some, especially because of their race.

But instead for “people of color” to go back to being strong and independent themselves. Who don’t wait for white people to validate them, as if they were not equally worthy of rights, liberties, and freedoms.

Question to consider: when you take away rights from some people, how long before you lose your rights?

Son of Liberty 2020


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