Belief in Government. Believing in Government as You Do Church. Hmmm, no potential problem there…..

When people believe what they are told. Don’t question their sources, let alone vet them. When they are like hound dogs set on the scent of a fox….told “go” and they take off.

Never questioning what they’ve been told. For reasons of pavlovian responsiveness…or because intuitively they understand they have been pulled on a string by puppet masters. They don’t question. Question…not disagree with…but merely question.

Don’t question the order requiring infected people to be admitted into nursing homes, where the weak, frail, and most vulnerable were. (Gov. Cuomo got an Emmy..Gov. Whitmer took a vacation to Florida…other examples could fill the page).

Don’t question why “the science” is NOT used to determine the efficacy of: light blue masks…fabric masks…improperly fitting masks….masks worn x number of times, even the best type. Just demand that people keep wearing them.

…of: lock downs. Why didn’t the 15 days flatten the curve…what was shown by those measures…why have lock downs progressed over almost 2 years to locking down unvaccinated people….with no science proving the efficacy.

…of: mandates to get the jab…when fully vaxxed and boosted people can get and can spread covid.

…of: health practices to decrease obesity, increase activity, increase heart health, improve air quality. 2 years into this…Trudeau, BoJo, Joe Bo, et. al…no action on any. Let alone results.

As they lived it the people did not see how they changed into accepting oppression, reduction of freedoms and rights. When they were willing to oppress a group, they became tolerant and accepting of the next restriction (see the erosion of fundamental rights for black Americans beginning in 1876…until segregation was the way of the country by 1915. See the restrictions on religious groups in various countries of Europe from 1517 to…oh…let’s see….1938.

See covid cover restrictions on individuals, small businesses, and those who look at the actual science.

Oh, and don’t forget, those who look at government as being a necessary problem, if not evil. Never to be treated as trustworthy.

Son of Liberty 2020

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