Mandates have been lifted. Because of “success”. Not because of failure. Or overreach. Ready to be reimplemented with the next variant. Which is expected to appear after the distraction of Russia invading Ukraine wears off. New York City: basketball player Kyrie Irving is not allowed to play home games for the Brooklyn Nets because he …
Tag Archives: mandates
Ending the Mask and Vax Mandates..Without Declaring Them to Have Been a Failure
Eyes open: the science has not changed. Only the political calculations have. They will say they have been good and useful and achieved the objective. Which…if you watch the kaleidoscope spin you get mesmerized, but never see the picture as it really is. The variant has infected so many there are fewer people to get …
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Mandates…or Freedom
You choose. How many times have you see the imposers/supporters of mandates caught without masks, living their lives out and about, partying..some in black-face, some not….? And….catch it…..AND……THEN…..declare that masks must be worn….restrictions MUST continue…..PASSPORTS MUST BE REQUIRED…….? When are you going to say: “You first”……? If you aren’t there yet, then congratulations, you have …
FF Fauci NOW Says “With” Covid.
For almost 2 years now some of us have been saying covid is contributing, but that someone with cancer, or copd, or congestive heart failure, or over 80, or obese, or….pick the main life condition is not dying FROM covid. But WITH covid. There are those who are dying FROM covid. In August 2020 (if …
The Best of Times..The Worst of Times
In our self- ego centered world, (so often) today is viewed to be the worst things have ever been. That our polarization, both politically and socially, is worse now than ever. A quick moment of actual thought will challenge, if not dispel that claim. Not to say today isn’t bad in many ways…worse than many …