Ending the Mask and Vax Mandates..Without Declaring Them to Have Been a Failure

Eyes open: the science has not changed. Only the political calculations have. They will say they have been good and useful and achieved the objective. Which…if you watch the kaleidoscope spin you get mesmerized, but never see the picture as it really is.

The variant has infected so many there are fewer people to get it. Thus, rates go down. The variant is milder, as is the norm for viruses. Yet….they will say their measures were the reason for the improvements recently.

Unless they walk through the actual science….and declare the ineffectiveness of the measures imposed…or the relatively ineffectual impact of those measures…they will use them again.

At the next virus. The next spreading sickness. The next time people start to get to free and independent. Didn’t Ardern in New Zealand try to impose controls on eating/weight/etc. because “it’s good for people”? (Sorry if that’s not right. She is a petty despot who has power…a down under Trudeau…and paying too much attention to her is misguided.)

Regardless, the spin is on. Democrats and the media will declare victory for their measures. We must say “prove it”. Show the comparison with Sweden…and have some real scientists compare the effectiveness of the various measures or non-measures. No politicians. And no members of the media. With published data.

It’s been more than 2 years. Surely the greatest pandemic since 1918 should have some accurate information about it.

Wouldn’t you think…….?

Son of Liberty 2020



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