The Best of Times..The Worst of Times

In our self- ego centered world, (so often) today is viewed to be the worst things have ever been. That our polarization, both politically and socially, is worse now than ever.

A quick moment of actual thought will challenge, if not dispel that claim. Not to say today isn’t bad in many ways…worse than many times before.

Political polarization: the mid- to late 1960s were a time when many thought the country was ripping apart and that society would never regain equilibrium and normalcy.

And…if that wasn’t a strong enough example, we did fight a civil war…against each other…attacking and killing each other.

So no, today is not the worst it’s ever been. But it’s not good. Especially when so many have found their bubble group of like-minded-ites, who say what they want to hear. And when so many do not challenge their own assumptions, let alone what is presented to them.

Can you acknowledge that you might not be 100% right about everything? Can you listen to another point of view or idea without denying it because it doesn’t fit your view? Listen doesn’t mean agree…the question is just asking if you can consider. Yes…it seems we are that unwilling to listen….that close-minded.

It seems we need fewer rabid believers and more skeptics. Start with the covid scare. How would you be more skeptical of what has been ordered by government? Perhaps….perhaps by saying it’s been 2 years…surely you understand more than you’re telling us. Surely you’re not going to impose the same shutdown/mandate tactics that did NOT end it………………are you New York? Are you California? Are you Australia? Are you Britain?

Son of Liberty 2020

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