The Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Do you believe in that? Do you believe that is done best by individual people determining what is best for themselves, or by government determining what is best? Do you believe in people having the right to decide, even if it’s a “bad” decision, or in stopping them because the experts know better? Do you …

CDC Withholding Data on Covid. Media for Two Years: Trust the Science.

When the science center withholds data, there can be no trust in the science. Because that is NOT SCIENCE. That is propaganda and manipulation. Fauci lied about masks in early 2020. Why would you trust him after that? CDC deliberately misrepresents data and information. Why would you trust them after that? The mandating the jab…when …

FF Fauci NOW Says “With” Covid.

For almost 2 years now some of us have been saying covid is contributing, but that someone with cancer, or copd, or congestive heart failure, or over 80, or obese, or….pick the main life condition is not dying FROM covid. But WITH covid. There are those who are dying FROM covid. In August 2020 (if …

Jabbed People Getting Covid. Best thing to do: get the jab! Ummm….what?

Why is the action to take after cruise ships, which have 99.105% jabbed people……colleges which require the jab to be on campus….and others…..why is the action: “Get The Jab”? The push to get the jab, even when it does NOT stop the spread of covid, defies logic. Yet that is the declaration; Get the Jab! …

Gain of Function Reseach

Dr. Fauci said he supported doing it in China because you didn’t want to do it in New Jersey or Fairfax, Virginia. Because.?.?.?…’s dangerous, but it’s ok to endanger people in another country? Because.?.?.?…it’s dangerous, so it’s better to do it in a country without strict safety controls, protocols, or inspections rather than in the …