Convoy, Cops, Crime

Canadian truckers driving to Ottawa. Trudeau calls them fascists.

Cops enforcing laws to protect citizens, property, and society. Liberal/progressives call them oppressors.

People stealing from stores in California and New York City. Newsom, Ocasio-Cortez, and rich white liberals say they are stealing because they’re hungry. Even when they’re stealing watches, tvs, and clothes.

Protests with fires, looting, stealing during blm protests. CNN calls them “mostly peaceful”.

At what point do those listening to Trudeau, liberal/progressives, Newsom, AOC, CNN, et. al….at what point do they say “you all are full of it.”?

At what point?

Or is their pride going to keep them from admitting that they have been duped?

At this point: it’s looking like pride is winning. Trudeau is still PM. Newsom is still governor. AOC is still going to Florida for her mask-less vacation, while declaring masks should be required and vaccines should be mandated.

What will happen when the crime comes to their neighborhoods? Still call to defund the police? Still saying “it’s ok that they steal”?

Seems like we will soon find out.

Son of Liberty 2020

End the Filibuster! Cuz the Minority is Always Better Off When the Majority Can Steamroll!!

Did you see Democrats over the past week? Declaring that if their “voting rights” bill isn’t passed, then they would eliminate the filibuster. Thereby allowing a majority of 51-49 to push through what they wanted. With no need to consider the views of the minority. Let alone work with them.

Because this country has always been better when the minority can be ignored. When the needs/wants/desires/views of the minority can be ignored. And the majority can impose its views/rules/laws without any restraint.

If you missed it, that was sarcastic.

What is not is how many black leaders/speakers have been calling for the destruction of the filibuster. To get what they want. Now. With no thought to if/when the Republicans will return to the majority. And then won’t have to get 60 votes. But only the absolute barest of majorities of 51.

Let’s repeat, a little more specifically now: Black Americans have always been better off when protections against domination by the majority are removed. Can we get an “amen”.

Again, that was sarcastic.

What is not is why Democrats don’t work in places they have controlled for decades, to get everyone an ID. Since an ID is needed for so many things. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone to get people an ID…which they can then use in their daily lives (medicine, applications for an apartment, a job, etc., to buy certain items, etc.)? Why don’t Democrats work, in places they have controlled for decades, to improve the lives of the people who live there?

And then….they could help them to vote. Win win. Win for those individual people. Win for our best elections. And a win to put pressure on Republicans to work for those votes.

Oh….think maybe just stumbled on the answer. Don’t help those people really participate in modern society. They might not continue to support the big D.

Son of Liberty 2020

Depression Coming?

Print money like it’s a game. Give it to people without any connection to need or specific situation. To everyone. Then promise another payout if the people in Georgia vote for the Democrat. And give unemployment money to people who could be at work.

In the 1920s it was spending on the margin. In the 2020s it’s give away money to buy complacency. Run your election campaign declaring you will solve the covid crisis. Then, after almost a year of failure, say the solution will not come from the national government.

Make Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowes, and Amazon rich beyond measure. Harm and even destroy thousands of small independent businesses.

When will viewers of CNN realize they have been duped? That they, indeed, are dupes? How deep had the Titanic sunk before some of the faithful stopped declaring it unsinkable, as a matter of fact?

Once they started calling for payments on the debts, the Great Depression was upon us. When will the bill be called in this?

Son of Liberty 2020

The Vaccine Does NOT Stop It. So Make It Mandatory!

When you must DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!

And your DO SOMETHING!!!!! action is to mandate a vaccine that DOES NOT do what you insist is the reason for doing it. And then….YOU CONTINUE TO INSIST ON YOUR MANDATE.

A different version of Einstein’s description of madness.

A modern, real life/real time version of protecting “White Star Property” on the Titanic AS IT IS SINKING!!!!

Covid is apparently not the only disease afflicting the world today. A widespread madness is. Where is Bertoldt Brecht? Or is this too much even for him to show the absurdity of?

Repeat after me: The Vaccine Does NOT Stop the Spread of Covid. Mandating the Vaccine Does NOT Stop the Spread of Covid. FOLLOW THE SCIENCE and Stop Insisting on The FALSE!

Son of Liberty 2020

When Will Enough People Say: Before We Agree to One More Restriction, Prove It

President Biden just said, again, that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. That statement is false.

When will enough people who think the emperor looks good in his outfit start to catch a glimpse of the actual reality? When will enough people say….Support your declarations with science. with studies…with comparisons.

When will enough people say: we’re not going to act like you know what you’re talking about. When you’ve shown again and again that you don’t. Cuz…….infections/positive tests for covid are higher now! When they’re higher in vaccinated states/countries…in masks mandated areas….in shutdown/lockdown states/countries! When they’re higher! Not lower! Higher!

When will enough people call for the “leaders” to be locked down into a room until they get covid, die from it, or survive it. Those, of course, who locked other people down.

When will enough people ask: should we start putting a pocketful of posies as well?

Until enough people see through the illusion, this will continue.

Son of Liberty 2020

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Democrat

AOC ran away to Florida….so she could live normally, going out for drinks and to a party/event. WITHOUT A MASK. And WITHOUT A PASSPORT.

Nancy Pelosi bought a house in Florida….so she could retire and live normally. WITHOUT A MASK. WITHOUT A PASSPORT.

Gov. Whitmer (sp?), Gov. Cuomo, et. al…..took trips to Florida when they had imposed lockdowns, restrictions, masking requirements on their own citizens. Gov. Blackface of Virginia shut down (in 2020) the beaches of Virginia Beach, Sandbridge….and then took his *ss to the Outer Banks of North Carolina to evade his own restrictions.

Chicago….highest number of murders in Chicago and Cook County in history, according to report. But the mayor, Mayor Lightfoot, said the problem was racism. Not her own encouragement of lawlessness, robbery, destruction of property during the blm riots. When she took a knee in “support”. And essentially told the law abiding citizens (including many of the protesters, who were NOT looking to engage in robbery or destruction) that they were the problem.

Cuomo. Cuomo. Emmy awarding winning Cuomo. Who ordered infected people into nursing homes. Cheered by Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, and their ilk.

What actions do they take? What actions do they support?

Why do you believe their words when you have their actions to judge by?

Trust a Democrat at your own peril. And only after you’ve taken a big swallow of the kool-aid.

Son of Liberty 2020

FF Fauci NOW Says “With” Covid.

For almost 2 years now some of us have been saying covid is contributing, but that someone with cancer, or copd, or congestive heart failure, or over 80, or obese, or….pick the main life condition is not dying FROM covid. But WITH covid.

There are those who are dying FROM covid. In August 2020 (if memory serves) the CDC identified that less than 10% of those covid deaths were FROM covid. Over 90% had other, main, underlying conditions.

The deaths were all deaths. But the fear that they kept pushing about covid that has led us to these shutdowns, lockdowns, mandates, etc. was stoked by the mis-representations.

Now. Now. FF Fauci said there’s a difference. Without explaining why he did not consistently or even infrequently declare that difference over the last almost 2 years. If you want the best possible response from the public, you tell them the truth.

FF Fauci has not been accurate or truthful for almost 2 years. Why do people still believe him?

Kids should be in school. People should be outdoors, engaged in activities that are the “safest” in these times. NOT shut out of schools and locked up in their homes.

What madness. When will the reaper come? And not just for those who had to go along with it. But for those who caused it. Fauci. Cuomo. Whitmer. DeBlasio. Lightfoot. Newsome. Boris Boris Boris Johnson. The officials in Australia. And the others.

End the lockdowns. End the mandates.

Stand up now, people. Before you are forever on your knees.

Son of Liberty 2020

Jabbed People Getting Covid. Best thing to do: get the jab! Ummm….what?

Why is the action to take after cruise ships, which have 99.105% jabbed people……colleges which require the jab to be on campus….and others…..why is the action: “Get The Jab”?

The push to get the jab, even when it does NOT stop the spread of covid, defies logic.

Yet that is the declaration; Get the Jab!

The jab can be helpful. But it is not the answer. When will they stop themselves from declaring that to be the best action? When will they ask: why insist on this AS IF it is the answer?

Hmmmmmmmm…..maybe……is it possible……could it be…..that the people who are skeptical are skeptical because we’re insisting on them doing something THAT DOES NOT STOP COVID (emphasis added)?

Wonder what would happen if they admitted that they are pushing an action that is NOT a solution? And…part 2….and if they were to ask why Fauci and company keep insisting on that action as an answer…when it’s only a (hoped for) minimizer?

Does it make you think? At all?

Son of Liberty 2020

A New Year. A New Spirit?

What will 2022 bring? More of the same? Or will enough people decide the “experts” aren’t really experts after all. And the politicians who have used the covid to shut down/lock down/suppress are not after the best interests of the people or society.

New York City. Chicago. Boston. You must have a passport to enter public facilities such as restaurants. Yet…even if you have the passport, which means you’ve had the jab, the second jab, and soon the third jab….you can still get/have covid. And you can in all cases spread it. Yet…with your passport you are free to go into facilities.

Will 2022 bring the realization that the vaccine(s) does NOT provide immunity or keep you from spreading covid. So….the illogical deduction that having the vaccine keeps you from getting or spreading covid is false. So the basis for action, restriction, or suspension must be redesigned. Or done away with.

The community of faith regarding covid is astounding. Caution…why stop with caution? Go with full suppression. Being careful…why stop with being careful? Go with putting the non-obedient into camps (hey more walkabouts, huh?). Or locking them into their homes (hey Austria…do they have to wear a patch or badge so you know who they are? Sie wissen wer sie sind? Gelb ist schoen, oder?)

Or will 2022 bring more intensity to the measures. Since they haven’t worked at stopping covid, then do it even harder, even more. Nothing leads to success like repeating failures!

Rights, Freedoms, Liberties. If you believe in those, make your voice heard. And, by the way, you can be for vaccines, distancing, masks, etc. as good practices without wanting to surrender to the non-experts and power mad politicians.

If you want freedom, make your voice heard in 2022. Write to a politician. Attend a school board meeting. Do not patronize places that require passports…and write to the mayors of those cities and tell them that.

Son of Liberty 2020

The Best of Times..The Worst of Times

In our self- ego centered world, (so often) today is viewed to be the worst things have ever been. That our polarization, both politically and socially, is worse now than ever.

A quick moment of actual thought will challenge, if not dispel that claim. Not to say today isn’t bad in many ways…worse than many times before.

Political polarization: the mid- to late 1960s were a time when many thought the country was ripping apart and that society would never regain equilibrium and normalcy.

And…if that wasn’t a strong enough example, we did fight a civil war…against each other…attacking and killing each other.

So no, today is not the worst it’s ever been. But it’s not good. Especially when so many have found their bubble group of like-minded-ites, who say what they want to hear. And when so many do not challenge their own assumptions, let alone what is presented to them.

Can you acknowledge that you might not be 100% right about everything? Can you listen to another point of view or idea without denying it because it doesn’t fit your view? Listen doesn’t mean agree…the question is just asking if you can consider. Yes…it seems we are that unwilling to listen….that close-minded.

It seems we need fewer rabid believers and more skeptics. Start with the covid scare. How would you be more skeptical of what has been ordered by government? Perhaps….perhaps by saying it’s been 2 years…surely you understand more than you’re telling us. Surely you’re not going to impose the same shutdown/mandate tactics that did NOT end it………………are you New York? Are you California? Are you Australia? Are you Britain?

Son of Liberty 2020