A Bad Horror Movie? The Destruction of Canada?

For years in the USA Democrats and the media decried President Trump as a “Dictator”. Even though in the covid time he respected the authority of the states/governors and did NOT impose actions or “solutions”. Even when there were grounds for doing so (see Seattle ceding control of areas of the city to vigilantes , …

Trucker Protest Didn’t End When He Told Them To. So….He Suspends Parliament!

The logic is so clear and obvious. You don’t like the protests. Are mad that they didn’t listen to you when you stomped your foot and said they had to stop. When you used police to force them to stop. When you froze their bank accounts because getting them to stop wasn’t enough. You needed …

Trudeau…..Must Go!

Never talked to the truckers. Never acted like he was the Prime Minister of the country, including those who have a different opinion regarding the mandates. Did call them: fascists (oh, the irony)…racists (see him in black face and ask if that’s not the pot calling the kettle white)….misogynysts (see him fire the woman from …

Convoy, Cops, Crime

Canadian truckers driving to Ottawa. Trudeau calls them fascists. Cops enforcing laws to protect citizens, property, and society. Liberal/progressives call them oppressors. People stealing from stores in California and New York City. Newsom, Ocasio-Cortez, and rich white liberals say they are stealing because they’re hungry. Even when they’re stealing watches, tvs, and clothes. Protests with …