Second: How Do You Listen? Fourth: Is Arguing Your M.O.?

Short and Sweet: Do you engage to understand, to have your awareness expanded, to learn something, to enjoy someone else’s perspective/idea/view? Or…do you respond to input by disputing, denying, deflecting….are you an arguer? If your way of being is to argue, consider the question: how much/in what ways has your mindset/opinion changed over the years? …

First: Values Drive. Second: Listening to Understand. Third: What Are Your Sources?

Short and sweet: 1) When did you last vet your sources for news, information, understanding? 2) Why do you believe your source(s) if you haven’t checked them? Vetting of your source(s): Example of a source for many people is CNN. CNN is on television (cable), and gets its money through advertisers paying for views/clicks. In …

First: Do Your Values Drive Your Thinking? Second: How do You Think/Listen/Discuss?

Short and sweet: Do you listen to respond? Or do you listen to consider and understand? Listening to respond includes: being silent while the other person is speaking, but not actually listening or considering what they are saying. Just waiting til they stop so you can speak. Listening to respond includes: grabbing words they said …

Sources of Information

When your sources of information are limited to CNN, MSNBC, CBS/ABC/NBC/PBS, and the Washington Post/NY Times….. ….then……………………….. …………………………………………………you are a member of the flat earth society circa 1450. Flat earth society members: 2. Dismiss any question, let alone challenge, by categorically denying the question. 3. Belittle and attack Fox News. Never stopping to consider that …

Values vs. Control

Thought of the day: “When your values are about personal liberty, freedom, and autonomy, then you will reject thought control by the government…or by others.” Consider the question: do you believe that certain words should be forbidden? Should not be allowed to be said? And/or that some people, because of their race, are not allowed to …

What Do You Value? Have You Thought About It….?

I have thought about it. Here are some things I value. I value: Rights, liberties, freedoms. I value: personal autonomy, both bodily and in thought. I value: each person making up his/her own mind. And….I value each person’s RIGHT to their own view. I value: questioning, challenging, even saying “show me” or “prove it” to …

Who’s Running Biden? Who’s Running the Country?

Who’s responsible for the decision not to come clean about Biden’s possession of classified documents in unsecure locations right before election day in November 2022? If that question intrigues you, or makes you think that we should know the answer, then consider the next and much more important question: Why did they share it now? …

Values vs. Political Posturing for Gain

Thought of the day: “When your values are what drives you, then you are consistent in applying those values. Your task is then functional, to make it work.” Example of a value: “my body, my choice”. If you believe that, and you then say abortion, for example, is your choice because it’s your body, and …

President Biden: The Great American Demagogue

Barack Obama: Bitter clingers to their guns and bibles Hillary Clinton: They are deplorables. Irredeemable Joe Biden: MAGA Republicans (not MAGA supporters…but MAGA Republicans) Do you see how they think? And…that attitude has been consistent for almost 2 decades now. And……please note…..long before Trump! Question: Why does Trump prompt such reckless (albeit honest) reactions from …