No Masks for Stacy Abrams, Gov. Hochli. But Masks for Schoolchildren

There is something wrong with this. Masking children when they are the least likely to suffer from or even with covid. Every day. For years. But politicians can visit the schools…pose with the children…and turn their smiling mugs to the camera…with MASKED CHILDREN! The damage these Democrats have done to children is infuriating. When will …

Trudeau…..Must Go!

Never talked to the truckers. Never acted like he was the Prime Minister of the country, including those who have a different opinion regarding the mandates. Did call them: fascists (oh, the irony)…racists (see him in black face and ask if that’s not the pot calling the kettle white)….misogynysts (see him fire the woman from …

Masks REQUIRED…Except for Celebrities, Politicans, and the Rich

Los Angeles has a mask mandate. That seems to be required on regular people. And on school children. But….not on the Mayor of LA. Not on the Governor of California. Not on the rich and famous. NFL Championship game….the Mayor of LA showed how long he could hold his breath. He said when he had …

CNN..Why Trust Them?

President Jeff Zucker…resigned ostensibly because he violated policy by not disclosing his sexual relationship with a fellow employee. Which he had been violating every day since he hired her, years ago. Which he violated until he was being questioned regarding the violations of ethics by star Cuomo. Yet….if it was such a violation….why is she …

Mandates…or Freedom

You choose. How many times have you see the imposers/supporters of mandates caught without masks, living their lives out and about, partying..some in black-face, some not….? And….catch it…..AND……THEN…..declare that masks must be worn….restrictions MUST continue…..PASSPORTS MUST BE REQUIRED…….? When are you going to say: “You first”……? If you aren’t there yet, then congratulations, you have …

Belief in Government. Believing in Government as You Do Church. Hmmm, no potential problem there…..

When people believe what they are told. Don’t question their sources, let alone vet them. When they are like hound dogs set on the scent of a fox….told “go” and they take off. Never questioning what they’ve been told. For reasons of pavlovian responsiveness…or because intuitively they understand they have been pulled on a string …

Freedom Truckers..Go Canada Go!

No mandates to be free. No mandates to live…to travel…to go to work…to go to a restaurant. When the “fringe” is the majority. When the “deplorables” are the ones who support freedom, rights, liberties. When the “uneducated” are the ones who think for themselves. Then…… ………………………we are in 2022. Get up! Stand Up! Stand Up …

The Holocaust Was Not About Race, per Whoopi! Um…Say What?

When virtually everything is framed as “white bad, poc good”….”racism, racism, racism…but only white people can be racist”….”white supremacy is everywhere” That the loud running mouths of today declare that the self-declared “Master Race” somehow did NOT murder 6 million Jews because of race! Along with countless Gypsies, along with sub-races of Slavs! Then you …

Gov. Newsom Requires Masks. While Partying Without. Again.

Hey Californians. Are you tired of being played yet? PM Boris Johnson put Britain through 3 lock downs. While partying at Downing Street. Hey Brits…you tired of being played yet? Face diapers required! Even though…according to actual science…they don’t stop the covid. Yet you MUST WEAR THEM!!!!!! Hey people, you tired of being played yet? …

Affirmative Action Justice. What’s Wrong with the Democrats?

Do they think there are no black women who are capable enough to COMPETE and be picked? Why did Biden and those who control him declare he would pick a black women…thereby guaranteeing that she would be seen as an AA appointment? Because…..she is. VP Harris is an example. Picked for her skin and sex. …