When everyone in your family is a Democrat. Who know everything. Understand everything. And are so sure that they don’t allow for any other point of view or way of looking at things.
Who think that you are a Republican (add contempt to get the full impact)…because you actually criticize a Democrat or the Democrats? Such as when Speaker of the House Pelosi violated governmental orders to get her hair done inside at a salon…and went around the salon without her mask…..and you criticize her for it?!? When Gov. Newsome shuts down businesses, livelihoods, because of “covid”, and goes out to a restaurant, without a mask, to enjoy a meal with his lobbyist friend(s)…and you point out the hypocrisy of it?!?
Who decide, with indignation, that you are a Trump supporter because you say, during the non-campaign for President in 2020, that Biden can’t complete 3 sentences and isn’t capable of doing the job?!? Even if you have never said Trump was good or that you supported him. You might…you might not. But they decided you were…without asking you.
Who can’t answer the question: who has the power of the presidency during Biden’s time, since he is not capable of completing 3 sentences, let alone running the country. Yet….they say it’s fine. No idea who is exercising the power of the presidency…unelected…unanswerable to the people or to Congress…..yet insist that it is fine.
What do you do when you can’t speak on a basic level, because they’ve already decided what you are, what you support, and how wrong you are?
What do you do when you see otherwise smart people be completely blind? And do it willingly? And because it’s willingly, they defend it with 100% commitment. In other words, when they won’t listen. Not “agree” but won’t even listen?
It is a lonely place. It is a lonely time.
Son of Liberty 2020