Support the Hoax…for justice?

So Juicy Smollett was found guilty of falsely claiming he was the victim of an attack by “white maga hat wearing men”. And BLM still supports him. Guilty of claiming he was attacked because he was black. When he wasn’t. To be clear…wasn’t attacked. And wasn’t attacked because he was black. Yet BLM still supports …

What’s The End Goal?

Biden has the power of the presidency, but can’t complete 3 sentences. Who has the power? Who is using the power of the presidency? What are they doing? Doing while unanswerable to the people? Critical Race Theory…apparently supported by the Teacher’s Union. Which and who are teaching that white people are automatically racist. Because even …

BLM..Trained Marxists..Spend $Millions on Themselves

BLM: self-declared Marxists. For those who think that’s something like a zodiac sign, look it up. But use DuckDuckGo, not guugle. BLM: self-declared Marxists…who use the donations they received exploiting deaths of black people to line their own pockets. Over $90 million received in donations…..where is it? Well, just came out…some $2.4 million went for …