Short and Sweet: Do you engage to understand, to have your awareness expanded, to learn something, to enjoy someone else’s perspective/idea/view? Or…do you respond to input by disputing, denying, deflecting….are you an arguer?
If your way of being is to argue, consider the question: how much/in what ways has your mindset/opinion changed over the years? Or are you the same, with the same understanding, the same view, the same assumptions as you were 20/30/40 years ago?
Be honest. If you are the same because you argue anything that doesn’t fit your already established view, then it’s time to recognize that you are a closed mind.
A closed mind is a terrible thing to waste. It should be used as fuel to heat homes.
If you are consistent in your values, yet you have different thoughts/opinions about things/policies/people, then you are a thinking person.
Do you want to be: A) A closed minded person. or B) A thinking person?
Before you lock in your final answer, recognize…..understand….that choosing B means you will have to change your mind about some things some times. You will have to admit…out loud…..and………to yourself!….that you were wrong about some things.
If you don’t know how to do that, email me and we can walk through it. It is actually freeing. And allows you to use your brain and intelligence for good. Let’s go.
Son of Liberty 2020