Fourth: Do You Believe In The Rule Of Law? Equally Applied to Everyone?

Short and sweet: Equal opportunity, equality under the law….or favoritism based on race or sex or wealth or political party or some other distinguisher?

If you believe in equal opportunity, then you don’t believe in “equity”. Which, in its latest, wokest, marxist definition is equal outcomes.

If you believe in equal outcomes, then declare: what have you done to give to others? Did you work extra and give your pay and the credit to those who worked less? Did you study harder and give your answers and your grades to those who didn’t study? Did you buy a house and then give it to someone who never saved anything?

If you are “woke”, then show what you have done to work for other people to benefit.

If you are a believer in equal rights and opportunities, then join in demanding the woke show the receipts. Demand that they prove they live by what they say they believe.

Audit time. Time to show the receipts.

Audit time. Where hypocrites are busted. Where virtue signalers are busted.

Let’s bust ’em.

Son of Liberty 2020

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