With Liz Cheney’s complete rejection by Republicans, the media has framed this as “the party of Lincoln is now the party of Trump”. Skipping over the party of Lincoln being the party of Bush and Cheney for decades.
How is Dick Cheney and is daughter, who invoked his name regularly and had him do an ad for her, the party of Lincoln?
You might not like that the party is dominated by Trump. But…the media spinning this distortion that the Republican party was the party of Lincoln when it was dominated by Cheney and the Bushes….just stop it.
Appropriating is not just a thing liberal/progressive Democrats do, apparently. Although…the media is consistent in supporting the appropriation.
You can dislike Trump (or even much more). But…as a removed observer…you have to notice that Trump and his effect has forced so many of them to reveal their authoritarian, anti-democratic, dishonest mindset.
At a certain point, you have to start asking: why does he provoke such a response by them?
Son of Liberty 2020