Have You Decided What Rights You Will Give Up to Take Down Trump?

List them.

With the reasons and support. Meaning….state and explain what Trump has done that is so bad that it’s worth you giving up your unalienable rights, liberties, and freedoms.

And then…..

……………………..describe the state of the world you will live in having given up your rights.


Son of Liberty 2020



The Party of Lincoln? The Party of Cheney/Bush. Not the Same Thing.

With Liz Cheney’s complete rejection by Republicans, the media has framed this as “the party of Lincoln is now the party of Trump”. Skipping over the party of Lincoln being the party of Bush and Cheney for decades.

How is Dick Cheney and is daughter, who invoked his name regularly and had him do an ad for her, the party of Lincoln?

You might not like that the party is dominated by Trump. But…the media spinning this distortion that the Republican party was the party of Lincoln when it was dominated by Cheney and the Bushes….just stop it.

Appropriating is not just a thing liberal/progressive Democrats do, apparently. Although…the media is consistent in supporting the appropriation.

You can dislike Trump (or even much more). But…as a removed observer…you have to notice that Trump and his effect has forced so many of them to reveal their authoritarian, anti-democratic, dishonest mindset.

At a certain point, you have to start asking: why does he provoke such a response by them?

Son of Liberty 2020



The Media. Why Do You Believe Them?

When did you last vet your sources?

If you watch and believe CNN, when did you last ask why CNN tells you how to think? When did you last ask why CNN doesn’t present you with the information and leave it to you to draw your conclusions?

When did you last ask why CNN coaches you into how to think about something? In court it’s called “leading the witness” (just watch a good lawyer show on tv and you’ll see how it’s done).

Then…….when you notice it……why don’t you ask why CNN thinks you can be so easily led?

Do you want to be the sheep?

Do you want to be told to drink the kool-aid?

Son of Liberty 2020



The Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Do you believe in that?

Do you believe that is done best by individual people determining what is best for themselves, or by government determining what is best?

Do you believe in people having the right to decide, even if it’s a “bad” decision, or in stopping them because the experts know better?

Do you believe in your body, your choice, or do you believe in The Fauci who will control you down to the cellular level?

It took 10 years from the Stamp Act before enough people in the colonies were ready to stand up against governmental intrusion and oppression. How many more years will we have to go before enough people are ready to actively stand up against governmental tyranny?

Son of Liberty 2020



Welcoming Dick Cheney as a Voice for Your Side. Should Make You Wonder Why?

How can you have any of the values and morals you proclaim…and then welcome Dick Cheney?

When you are so convinced of the (?) bad (?) horrible (?) terrible Trump that you become that which you despise. That you surrender your values, your morals, your rights to “get” him.

When you never ask what will your victory look like. And what it will have cost you/us. When you give up your freedoms…liberties…rights…to those in power. You will learn….

…….that they will soon come to take more …………. and more …………. and more.

Totalitarianism rarely emerges fully formed.

Welcome Dick Cheney…..on your way to being controlled by those in power.

I’ll be with the Jews.

Son of Liberty 2020



Judge Them By Their Enemies. What Does It Mean If Dick Cheney is Your Enemy?

At the very least…it means that you should stop believing what you are told about Dick Cheney’s enemy. And look for yourself.

With the constant presumption of innocence. Or, in other words, listening to the charges not with belief, but with a clear commitment to the idea: you have to support that…you have to prove that.

If Dick Cheney is your enemy, then all that they say about you can’t be true.

If they have joined with Dick Cheney, they must be reexamined. Thoroughly.

Son of Liberty 2020



Biden, Harris, Pelosi…The Top 3. Washington, Adams, Jefferson..The First Top 3. How Far Has This Country Fallen?

And the White House/Democrats/CNN have their attention on “the messaging”.

Not the policies. Not the actions. Not the unifying the country leadership (yo, Joe, another campaign promise you never tried to keep).

But on the polls…the upcoming election…

For the good of the country then and in the future: Washington considered how he acted, serving 2 terms and then voluntarily leaving office, putting the best people in his cabinet (even if it meant that they would debate/battle throughout….but out of which would come the best for the country).

Now, whoever’s running Biden seems to be concerned with tearing down the country, reducing independence, creating dependency, lifting up physical characteristics and dismissing merit.

Too bad Harris doesn’t ask people to pick her pronouns. Dip and sh*t would be used willingly.

Let’s go Brandon.

Son of Liberty 2020



Nancy Pelosi: Use Your Expertise in the Stock Market to Help Solve the National Debt

She should use that vast expertise that she and her husband have, invest billions of dollars of the taxpayers money in the stock market, make another killing that even Wall Street experts can’t match…and finally do something good for the country. Of course, to keep her interest, she would have to get a cut.

Go ahead, Nancy. Do something for the country, not just yourself.

Son of Liberty 2020



The Countdown Begins..

Which will start first?

– The Recession

-Inflation over 10%
– China attacking Taiwan

  • The New Great Depression
  • Biden stumbling and mumbling
  • CNN/MSNBC reporting truthfully
  • Another pandemic
  • 1 million illegal immigrants crossing the southern border
  • 3,000 of them being bussed to “sanctuary cities”…and their mayors wailing and crying about being overwhelmed

The clock is ticking.

Son of Liberty 2020

