Appropriation..First Thoughts

Have you noticed how terms have been/are being used for current political/cultural purposes? Here are a few with their general original meaning and their current use:

Fascism then: political parties beginning in the 1920s based in extreme nationalism, undergirded by increasing limits on freedoms, rights, and safeguard of individual liberties, with increasing levels of totalitarian control of media, expression, and then, ultimately, thought.

Fascism now: any Republican the Democrats oppose (see presidential election campaigns over the last 20-40 years). Even when Republicans support freedom of speech and Democrats shut or shout it down.

Racism then: use of government and majority pressure to deny rights, liberties, freedoms to some people based on their race. Treating some people as inferior and then denying them opportunities and equal treatment because of their race.

Racism now: presumed of all white people. Even by multimillionaires (see Oprah Winfrey, Lebron James, etc.). Whatever gains a “minority” an advantage. Even fake, staged “attacks” (see Juicy, Lebron, cadet at the Air Force Academy, football player in Atlanta) still treated as true even after being proven false.

These are first thoughts. More to follow. Consider the appropriation of terms, so often terms of bad, evil, horror…and how they’re used by liberal/progressives today, so casually, so meaninglessly. Immediate political, cultural gain…at the cost of making the terms meaningless. What will that cost our society over the coming years?

Son of Liberty 2020

The Cs: CNN, Cruz, and Cuomo

Any difference in how CNN has covered Gov. Cuomo’s disastrous order requiring nursing homes in New York to admit Covid-19 positive patients…given in later March 2020…still in effect at least into May 2020 compared to Sen. Cruz’s decision to go on vacation?

One led to infections and deaths of hundreds…thousands. The other led to….wait, he’s Senator, not Governor, so his presence in the state has no direct effect on actions during the winter storm crisis.

Consider CNN’s coverage…

Then come back again to the claim that the MSM is biased. And remember to not believe your own lying eyes and ears. CNN stands for Cable NEWS Network. They don’t have to report it, and certainly not impartially, since they declared what they are. You must accept their authoritative presentation. No need to question.

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Smiling faces….smiling faces…

Son of Liberty 2020

Who Are The “Fact-Checkers”?

Who are they? What credentials do they have? Who checks on the “fact-checkers” to make sure they themselves are factual and accurate?

What are the standards for “fact-checking”? Impartiality? Honesty? Full disclosure of…connections…relationships…money interests…?

Is it the really the job of tech platforms to limit speech and content for “fact-checking”? Why? What if some people on FB or YT or Twit say things about the C-virus that “aren’t true”?

Dr. Fauci has lied on more than one occasion on that subject. Gov. Newsome of CA has told people to stay home…and then gone out to a restaurant to dine. Speaker Pelosi and Mayor DeBlasio both declared that there was no problem, no threat in Feb. 2020, even though there was an active and growing threat of the virus spreading.

Are we so stupid that we must be “protected” from such falsehoods and misrepresentations? Isn’t it better that they spoke…and then through later words or indeed actions they showed their misrepresentations?

If you are watching and listening with an open mind, you are able to separate truth from fiction. If you want to control others, you push for “fact-checkers”. At least…that’s how it seems these days…when the “fact-checkers” don’t check themselves or their own. When was the last time CNN or the NYTimes or the BBC fact-checked themselves on propaganda they presented as real news?

The NYTimes apparently opposes “unfettered speech”. The current euphemism for “Free Speech”. Do you?

Son of Liberty 2020

“He’s Not My President!!…Resist!!…”

4 years of it. 4 years of incessant resistance. No consequence….no connection. How Democrats can act so completely innocent of the destruction they have fostered to American ideals, concepts, and values….is truly a wonder.

Declaring “Resist”…even before Trump was sworn in as President. And then actively resisting. Some, only some examples include: protests/riots after the election in Nov. 2016…Representative Maxine Waters urging Democrats to harass people who worked for the Trump administration, even when they were just out at a public restaurant with their family…Senator Chuck Schumer declaring, even before President Trump had made a nomination, that Senate Democrats were going to oppose Trump’s nominee any way they could…which led to “Believe the Woman!!!” (even with NO EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND) and the presumption of guilt…Impeachment of Trump for no reason other than Democrats unwillingness to accept the results of the election in 2016….The Shooting of Republican lawmakers who were playing softball….

Where did Democrats think it was going to lead? Do they have any responsibility for “inciting”?

Does Maxine Waters..who incited?

Does Hillary Clinton…who said not to accept the results of the election in Nov. 2020?

Does Chuck Schumer…who put party above country by declaring complete opposition to the nominee…even before there was a nominee?

Does Nancy Pelosi…who called them stormtroopers?

You don’t have to be a Republican to see the Democrats for what they are. In fact, if you are an Independent, perhaps you can see even better. Look…and be appalled.

Son of Liberty 2020

I Didn’t Say Anything, When They Came for the J…

When oppression came in the 1930s, in a certain country in Europe, it came gradually (apologies for the overwhelming simplification…please indulge to see the point). The ire and focus of the ruling party was on a minority. An easily identifiable, easy to target minority.

A German who might have said after the war, with profound realization, that they went along with the suppression of the Jews in 1933-1938 because: they held views that were bad…they acted in ways that were unsettling…they had too much influence….and that it’s good to “protect” people from their words, deeds, pernicious influence…that it brings peace and tranquility not to have to hear those loud people…etc. Or…and…getting them out of the way will open up possibilities to prosper more. Or add to the communal peace and well-being. Or…maybe…because they too really did not like the Jews and didn’t want to have them around, so this new government was doing a good thing.

Many liberal progressives of today hear the quote and think to themselves: “I would not be silent. I would speak up for the Jews!” Because they think from their own personal lens and experience. However, to understand the IDEA expressed here, liberal progressives should restate it for their own day and time. Here’s one example:

Liberal Progressive: Twitter is right to ban President Trump. He stirs up trouble. Fills people’s minds with bad thoughts. And, yes, ban those who support him. We would be better off, society would be much more polite and peaceful, respectful, if THOSE people were banned so we didn’t have to hear them again.

Those conservatives….(ed.: sorry there are only “far-right” conservatives…”alt right” conservatives…”radical” conservatives. Conservatives much be preceded by a descriptive adjective to train the reader/listener into always hearing “conservative” as a negative term)…Those far-right conservatives spread their lies…distortions…misrepresentations! We must stop them! Shut them down!! Block them!! Do not let people hear them…they might be harmed!!

A Liberal Progressive today should state the quote in such a way: I Didn’t Say Anything When They Came for the Conservatives…..

………Those ugly, radical, far-right, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, racist, conservatives….that I denounce, denigrate, and disdain.

…Soon, when they came for me….those who believe in Freedom of Speech and Expression had been silenced. Removed. Shut down.

And no one would speak for me.

Son of Liberty 2020

King Day….In the Alternate Reality

Any historical figure, even one who lived so recently as Martin Luther King, Jr., tends to be reduced to two dimensions. Even one as eloquent, prolific, quoted, interviewed, etc. as King. To so many King is reduced to the one quote. As powerful a quote as it was, King had much, much more depth, nuance, and dimension than even those extraordinary words.

Yet….staying with the quote that includes “…I have a dream….” it is utterly astounding that in 2021 content of character is not the focus. Skin color is. Universality of humans is not the focus. Identity as pick one (black, hispanic, asian, woman, gay, trans, other letter, make up your own…) is.

When black students at universities call for segregation. Not for groups/clubs/other arrangements to be a celebration and exploration of the dynamic and enduring (and changing) culture of the black experience in America. But rather as a means of keeping whites out.

When Sarah Fuller, a complete token of a publicity stunt, is treated as if she were the Jackie Robinson (and Larry Doby) of Power 5 College Football…instead of the Make-A-Wish stunt that she was….??? Thereby denigrating all the WOMEN who have actually worked for, struggled and put effort into achieving competency and skill in a task or job. Who actively undercuts REAL achievement by women. Women who are therefore actually breaking down doors because they have EARNED it.

When attacks are staged and claimed to be done by straight white men who are Trump supporters….yet are fake (see the Muslim woman in Nov. 2016 who claimed to have been attacked by such…she was lying. See the actor in Chicago who staged the attack on himself and blamed Trump supporters, as did an athlete in Atlanta, as did ….many examples have occurred…..oh yeah…when the attempt was made to stop the nomination of a certain man (straight, white) to the Supreme Court by accepting a completely unsubstantiated claim as true…)…..when such falsehoods and forgeries are treated as true. And truth, principles, protection of individual rights and presumption of innocence are thrown away.

What would King have said? When those very principles were what ultimately protected those pressing for, demanding even, their rights and freedoms.

We are in an alternate reality. Where the very things that we saw and knew to be harmful to us….segregation by race because of race to harm or hurt one race…treating women as if they were not actually capable and had to be treated as if they were children, and then celebrating that “accomplishment” as if she had actually accomplished anything…are now that which so many seek. Demand, even. As long as white men can be attacked and blamed, then it’s ok. Even though………………….truth will win out…..and those general, generic attacks based on race and sex are fundamentally unfair and invalid.

What kind of world do you want to live in? One of freedom, dignity, respect? When will we stand up for our rights? Stand up for what’s right?

Time to Begin.

Get up, stand up… Wait, the rest of that is copyrighted. But the idea is not. Because it existed a long time ago. And is for now also.

What a world we are now in. So…..time to consider what you believe in. What you stand for. What is the basis of your thoughts/opinions/ideas. What are your principles.

I, as an individual, have the:

RIGHT to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

RIGHT to Freedom of Religion (government cannot suppress or force)

RIGHT to Speech (even if you are offended)

RIGHT to Assemble (what are these lockdowns…why do BLM protests allowed/encouraged (as they should be…see this right!) but others are not.

RIGHT to expect government to serve the people, not the other way around

RIGHT to bear arms (written to ensure that those in government would remember that tyranny starts with power…unchecked power leads to tyranny)

I don’t intend to offend someone else by my words or opinions. But if they are offended, they need to deal with themselves, not me. Let alone shut me down. In today’s world the offended are catered to by the big tech suppression of things the offended don’t want to hear. It seems the logical conclusion has not been grasped by those who cheer for suppression.

They will one day decide that what you say/think is not acceptable. Then you will be shut down.

Today I speak, because they are coming for the Jews. (And if you don’t understand that quote and idea, let me know….I will elaborate).





Son of Liberty 2020

Police in Trafalgar Square

Peaceful protesters shut down by the police. Because they were protesting for their rights and freedoms. Protesting against government shutdowns.

The river of freedom runs deep through Britain. Massive shutdowns…that didn’t solve the virus problem before…once again will lock citizens down from their daily lives. And…among other things, seeing some, limited, images of illegal immigrants coming into the country, no right to be there but being treated better than an average citizen, and no real willingness by the government to do its duty to protect the country, people objected. Some protested. Only to have the government exercise power against them!

In America barbers/stylists have been arrested for cutting hair. Gym owners arrested for running their businesses. Yet rioters have been given free pass by mayors of New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and others. Which they used to loot, rob, and steal.

Government officials have used their positions to get their hair done at a closed salon…go to their vacation homes while regular citizens are forbidden from going to theirs or even to the beach…and to protect themselves and their property when the rioters come to them. Using the police or hiring private security at the taxpayers expense while abandoning their duty to the citizens of their city and state.

These officials are all getting paid. Not one has missed a paycheck. Paid by us to shut us down. While letting rioters run free. Reciting the slogan and taking a knee for the image but showing they don’t actually care even about black lives. Evident in that they don’t care about any lives but their own.

Patrick Henry said: “Give me liberty or give me death”. We are reaching the stage when we have to say that with the same intention.

“Give me liberty or give me death by the fning virus”.

Because I will live free, with government serving us, or I will not be here to be enslaved.


A Masked Patriot


YT: “Son of Liberty 2020”

Who Are These People?

Who are these people who say “Black Lives Matter” while they:

steal from Black businesses

….burn places where Black people work, earn their income, and shop

ignore the Black lives ended in the violence they created?



Who are these people who say Trump is a fascist while they:

lock down millions upon millions for months to combat a virus that affects just thousands

speak and shout but won’t listen (see Kim Klacik’s experience on “The View”, Laurence Fox on the BBC, Alex Jones on Twitter)

hit or steal from Trump supporters for wearing a hat, or a shirt, or simply being?



Who are these people who declare the right of players to “express their opinion” by taking a knee during the national anthem while they:

denounce players who say they won’t take a knee in lockstep

do not support Villenueva putting on his jersey the name of a fellow soldier who died for our freedoms instead of a person of questionable character and actions

support LeBron James, Steve Kerr, Greg Popovich and the NBA in decrying racism and governmental oppression and in denouncing Trump, but do not denounce LeBron, Kerr, Popovich, and the NBA for accepting China’s oppression of ethic minority Muslims and other people of color even while they take millions of dollars from China?



Who are these people who said it was wrong that Trump wouldn’t say he would accept the results of the election (2016) and are now saying it again about the upcoming election (2020) while they

declared “RESIST!” after the election (2016)

show no signs of being willing to accept the results of the election (2020) if Trump wins again

who have fought against Brexit since the vote in 2016…and even more decisively again in 2019…against the will of the people?



Who will be running the US if Biden wins?….the UK if Brexit is stopped…?



Who Are These People?


A Masked Patriot


YT: “Son of Liberty 2020”

A Vote for Biden is a Vote for Who?

Who will be running the country if Biden is elected?

His cognitive decline is evident. If it is as bad as it appears in the infrequent appearances he makes, then how can anyone vote for him to be President of the United States?

If he wins, others will be making the decisions. Unlike a President who delegates and has people who do a lot of the work, Biden will not actively delegate. Instead those around him will take control.

Who are they?

What and how will they operate?

Why is CNN silent on this? Cable NEWS Network….24 hours of news….yet they do not even talk about how the country will be run if Biden is President.

Is Trump so bad that Democrats will vote for Biden and, thereby, give power to unknown people?

What has this country come to?


A Masked Patriot


YT: “Son of Liberty 2020”