A Vote for Biden is a Vote for Who?

Who will be running the country if Biden is elected?

His cognitive decline is evident. If it is as bad as it appears in the infrequent appearances he makes, then how can anyone vote for him to be President of the United States?

If he wins, others will be making the decisions. Unlike a President who delegates and has people who do a lot of the work, Biden will not actively delegate. Instead those around him will take control.

Who are they?

What and how will they operate?

Why is CNN silent on this? Cable NEWS Network….24 hours of news….yet they do not even talk about how the country will be run if Biden is President.

Is Trump so bad that Democrats will vote for Biden and, thereby, give power to unknown people?

What has this country come to?


A Masked Patriot



YT: “Son of Liberty 2020”

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