Peace and tranquility to you.
When you are anxious..feeling that things aren’t quite right…just say his name. Landru.
Greet others with his name so they’ll know you have achieved peace and tranquility. Landru.
Proceed without care or worry. You don’t need to think anymore. Landru.
No more questioning about the jab. Landru has decided.
No more leaving your homes until he says. Landru has decided.
No more worries about anything else…the only thing that matters is covid. And Landru has a plan for that. All you have to do is comply. To obey.
Say his name to bring peace and tranquility. They, after all, matter more than anything else, don’t they? More than freedom. Safety comes with peace and tranquility.
Just practicing for the fast approaching day.
Son of Liberty 2020