Kamala Tells Them Not to Come

But…….that’s racist, isn’t it? Racist, heartless, sexist, xenophobic, racist. Or, apparently, it’s racist when it helps win the election. But when they win, and then are responsible for securing the border, then it’s not racist.

New challenge: someone site a clip of Kamala Harris answering a question directly. Without blaming Republicans. Without evading or twisting away from the question. (Giving her the benefit of some room because these reporters are so bad at asking questions…everything seems to be so loaded it is hard to answer directly without playing into the reporters bias and framing. Nevertheless…she isn’t good at evading…she just does it and doesn’t get called out for it.)

So VP Harris: are illegal immigrants…migrants who try to sneak in to the country…going to be turned away? Sent back? Starting when? And how?

Do we decide our borders, laws, and who has the right to be here? Or do some random people who violate our laws and systems decide? If it is them, when are you going to take down the gates (walls) that keep them out of your homes so they can move in when they want?

VP Harris: you are not running for office. You have a sworn duty to uphold and protect the Constitution and laws of this country. When will you start doing it?

Son of Liberty 2020


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