BLM..Trained Marxists..Spend $Millions on Themselves

BLM: self-declared Marxists. For those who think that’s something like a zodiac sign, look it up. But use DuckDuckGo, not guugle.

BLM: self-declared Marxists…who use the donations they received exploiting deaths of black people to line their own pockets. Over $90 million received in donations…..where is it? Well, just came out…some $2.4 million went for a house for a BLM founder. Donations to help black people….she used to help her black self. When you’re a marxist, that actually makes sense.

BLM: self-declared Marxists. Do you know what Marxists do with the rights black people have? Do you know how long before they are not accountable to anyone, let alone black people?

If you don’t, then do a quick history read of the Soviet Union. Of Communist China. You sacrifice, so they can live in luxury.

Son of Liberty 2020

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