Appropriation..First Thoughts

Have you noticed how terms have been/are being used for current political/cultural purposes? Here are a few with their general original meaning and their current use: Fascism then: political parties beginning in the 1920s based in extreme nationalism, undergirded by increasing limits on freedoms, rights, and safeguard of individual liberties, with increasing levels of totalitarian …

The Cs: CNN, Cruz, and Cuomo

Any difference in how CNN has covered Gov. Cuomo’s disastrous order requiring nursing homes in New York to admit Covid-19 positive patients…given in later March 2020…still in effect at least into May 2020 compared to Sen. Cruz’s decision to go on vacation? One led to infections and deaths of hundreds…thousands. The other led to….wait, he’s …

Who Are The “Fact-Checkers”?

Who are they? What credentials do they have? Who checks on the “fact-checkers” to make sure they themselves are factual and accurate? What are the standards for “fact-checking”? Impartiality? Honesty? Full disclosure of…connections…relationships…money interests…? Is it the really the job of tech platforms to limit speech and content for “fact-checking”? Why? What if some people …

“He’s Not My President!!…Resist!!…”

4 years of it. 4 years of incessant resistance. No consequence….no connection. How Democrats can act so completely innocent of the destruction they have fostered to American ideals, concepts, and values….is truly a wonder. Declaring “Resist”…even before Trump was sworn in as President. And then actively resisting. Some, only some examples include: protests/riots after the …

I Didn’t Say Anything, When They Came for the J…

When oppression came in the 1930s, in a certain country in Europe, it came gradually (apologies for the overwhelming simplification…please indulge to see the point). The ire and focus of the ruling party was on a minority. An easily identifiable, easy to target minority. A German who might have said after the war, with profound …

King Day….In the Alternate Reality

Any historical figure, even one who lived so recently as Martin Luther King, Jr., tends to be reduced to two dimensions. Even one as eloquent, prolific, quoted, interviewed, etc. as King. To so many King is reduced to the one quote. As powerful a quote as it was, King had much, much more depth, nuance, …

Police in Trafalgar Square

Peaceful protesters shut down by the police. Because they were protesting for their rights and freedoms. Protesting against government shutdowns. The river of freedom runs deep through Britain. Massive shutdowns…that didn’t solve the virus problem before…once again will lock citizens down from their daily lives. And…among other things, seeing some, limited, images of illegal immigrants …

Who Are These People?

Who are these people who say “Black Lives Matter” while they: …steal from Black businesses ….burn places where Black people work, earn their income, and shop …ignore the Black lives ended in the violence they created? . . Who are these people who say Trump is a fascist while they: …lock down millions upon millions …

A Vote for Biden is a Vote for Who?

Who will be running the country if Biden is elected? His cognitive decline is evident. If it is as bad as it appears in the infrequent appearances he makes, then how can anyone vote for him to be President of the United States? If he wins, others will be making the decisions. Unlike a President …