Fourth: Do You Believe In The Rule Of Law? Equally Applied to Everyone?

Short and sweet: Equal opportunity, equality under the law….or favoritism based on race or sex or wealth or political party or some other distinguisher? If you believe in equal opportunity, then you don’t believe in “equity”. Which, in its latest, wokest, marxist definition is equal outcomes. If you believe in equal outcomes, then declare: what …

Second: How Do You Listen? Fourth: Is Arguing Your M.O.?

Short and Sweet: Do you engage to understand, to have your awareness expanded, to learn something, to enjoy someone else’s perspective/idea/view? Or…do you respond to input by disputing, denying, deflecting….are you an arguer? If your way of being is to argue, consider the question: how much/in what ways has your mindset/opinion changed over the years? …

First: Values Drive. Second: Listening to Understand. Third: What Are Your Sources?

Short and sweet: 1) When did you last vet your sources for news, information, understanding? 2) Why do you believe your source(s) if you haven’t checked them? Vetting of your source(s): Example of a source for many people is CNN. CNN is on television (cable), and gets its money through advertisers paying for views/clicks. In …

First: Do Your Values Drive Your Thinking? Second: How do You Think/Listen/Discuss?

Short and sweet: Do you listen to respond? Or do you listen to consider and understand? Listening to respond includes: being silent while the other person is speaking, but not actually listening or considering what they are saying. Just waiting til they stop so you can speak. Listening to respond includes: grabbing words they said …