Get up, stand up… Wait, the rest of that is copyrighted. But the idea is not. Because it existed a long time ago. And is for now also.
What a world we are now in. So…..time to consider what you believe in. What you stand for. What is the basis of your thoughts/opinions/ideas. What are your principles.
I, as an individual, have the:
RIGHT to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
RIGHT to Freedom of Religion (government cannot suppress or force)
RIGHT to Speech (even if you are offended)
RIGHT to Assemble (what are these lockdowns…why do BLM protests allowed/encouraged (as they should be…see this right!) but others are not.
RIGHT to expect government to serve the people, not the other way around
RIGHT to bear arms (written to ensure that those in government would remember that tyranny starts with power…unchecked power leads to tyranny)
I don’t intend to offend someone else by my words or opinions. But if they are offended, they need to deal with themselves, not me. Let alone shut me down. In today’s world the offended are catered to by the big tech suppression of things the offended don’t want to hear. It seems the logical conclusion has not been grasped by those who cheer for suppression.
They will one day decide that what you say/think is not acceptable. Then you will be shut down.
Today I speak, because they are coming for the Jews. (And if you don’t understand that quote and idea, let me know….I will elaborate).
Son of Liberty 2020