Expanding voting hours….Jim Crow 2.0. Requiring ID to vote the same as Northern states (see New York) and Western states (see Colorado) already do….Jim Crow 2.0. If Georgia’s law is Jim Crow 2.0…what is New York operating under? Or…is it….that for liberal/progressive Democrats to oppose something does not require thought. Just appropriate a term that …
Tag Archives: Liberal/progressive
Agenda First. Facts Only If Support.
How do you process information? Do you look for facts, information, confirmation? And then react, including updating your view based on the new information? Or do you have your view(s) set…and look for/interpret data, information, input to fit what you already believe? And….ignore or discard input that doesn’t fit your narrative? The assumptions about the …
I Didn’t Say Anything, When They Came for the J…
When oppression came in the 1930s, in a certain country in Europe, it came gradually (apologies for the overwhelming simplification…please indulge to see the point). The ire and focus of the ruling party was on a minority. An easily identifiable, easy to target minority. A German who might have said after the war, with profound …
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