Police in Trafalgar Square

Peaceful protesters shut down by the police. Because they were protesting for their rights and freedoms. Protesting against government shutdowns.

The river of freedom runs deep through Britain. Massive shutdowns…that didn’t solve the virus problem before…once again will lock citizens down from their daily lives. And…among other things, seeing some, limited, images of illegal immigrants coming into the country, no right to be there but being treated better than an average citizen, and no real willingness by the government to do its duty to protect the country, people objected. Some protested. Only to have the government exercise power against them!

In America barbers/stylists have been arrested for cutting hair. Gym owners arrested for running their businesses. Yet rioters have been given free pass by mayors of New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and others. Which they used to loot, rob, and steal.

Government officials have used their positions to get their hair done at a closed salon…go to their vacation homes while regular citizens are forbidden from going to theirs or even to the beach…and to protect themselves and their property when the rioters come to them. Using the police or hiring private security at the taxpayers expense while abandoning their duty to the citizens of their city and state.

These officials are all getting paid. Not one has missed a paycheck. Paid by us to shut us down. While letting rioters run free. Reciting the slogan and taking a knee for the image but showing they don’t actually care even about black lives. Evident in that they don’t care about any lives but their own.

Patrick Henry said: “Give me liberty or give me death”. We are reaching the stage when we have to say that with the same intention.

“Give me liberty or give me death by the fning virus”.

Because I will live free, with government serving us, or I will not be here to be enslaved.


A Masked Patriot



YT: “Son of Liberty 2020”

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