ID for Alcohol..but Not to Vote

You need an ID to buy alcohol…tobacco…pot…controlled medicine ordered by your doctor. You need an ID to enter a bar or club or casino.

Did you know you are the victim of racism? If you’re black, you likely don’t have an ID, because somehow Biden and Democrats think black people don’t know how to get an ID.

Providing ID to vote, however, is “racist”. Proving you have the right to vote is “racist”.

How do regular people accept this from Democrats?

To protect our rights….we remove measures and steps. um……..what?

While Democrats push to have more illegal immigrants enter the country. Where they can vote, without being American citizens. Or…they will be able to…if Democrats take away the safeguards to protect rights.

Don’t think about it. You just have to accept the presentation by the Democrats. Or you are a racist (yes, even if you’re black).

Son of Liberty 2020

First Woman President of USA…Installed, not Elected

Is there a pool like for March Madness or the World Cup for how much longer the powers behind the throne will keep Biden in position? With the tie-breaking question being: how will they remove him….1) he announces he physically can’t do the job “anymore” (why, yes, those clothes look great on you, Emperor)….2) his wife announces he has had some medical issues, and per his doctors’ recommendations, he’s retiring to a rest home…3) Congress invokes the 25th Amendment (Nancy set this up in 2020..with the media mouths running off about using it on Trump..who was not her target) and stages the coup, removes Biden, and then installs Harris?

Consider that the first woman to be President of the United States will not have been elected. She was so unwanted by her own party that she dropped out of the race for the nomination. Even before others dropped out on pressure/orders from the hidden powers. Dropped out on her own. Because she couldn’t get any more support in polling. Or in fundraising. Even Democrats didn’t want her.

Soon she will be installed as President of the country. What a great day for women! Unelected. Unwanted. With no independent power base or support base (see Obama, Trump, Bernie Sanders as examples of such). Beholden completely to the powers behind the throne. Her ideas did not get here there. Her accomplishments did not get her there. Her sex and color got her there.

Wonder what the women who accomplish things on their own merit think about the first female President of the USA being a token.

And who are these powers behind the throne?

Son of Liberty 2020

The Media as Watchdog or Lapdog

Is the media to report the news…or create it? In 2016 the MSM seemed to decide that they needed to stop Trump. First from getting elected, then while he was in office. Yet the media should NOT be creating the news or working against any one politician unless they work as a watchdog against all politicians and a watchdog on government.

Why should anyone accept the news from the MSM when they have shown themselves to be: fundamentally partisan (more specifically against Trump and for the DC powerholders)…inept and unprofessional with no journalistic standards of integrity…or (and) dupes so easily “played” that you can see the strings pulling their lips as they “report”?
More than the politicians, the media has failed to do its job. Which has harmed this country immeasurably.

“Son of Liberty 2020”

What Do You Want from Your Country?

Do you want:

Equal Opportunity?


Equal Outcomes?

If you want Equal Opportunity, then you would support color-blind, race-blind, sex-blind, ethnic-blind laws and policies. And…..because of historical denial of equal opportunity, you could, and perhaps would, support some measures to “catch-up” for those who had previously been denied.

Such measures to “catch-up” would have to be limited in both action and in time. If not, then they actually become an entrenched, self-perpetuating form of preference/discrimination.

For example, the University of Virginia did not admit women before 1970. In 2021 56% of the student population are women. Without even knowing what happened in the 1970s/80s, you might have supported efforts by UVA to increase the size of the female enrollment. While, in the 2010s/20s not support targeted efforts to “help” women who are now enrolling/applying? Without adapting to changing developments, including successful ones such as an actual increase in female enrollment in this example, you would then perpetuate efforts that were not needed.

Another example to challenge the thinking: do you believe in equal opportunity for children in education/schooling? If so, do you believe that funding for schools should be redesigned to ensure that each school has the same quality of facilities, class sizes and teachers? How would you change the funding systems in your city/county/state to make that happen?

Funding is one significant impact on equal opportunity. But it is not the only one. How do you challenge your city/county/state to provide more opportunities? For example, in lower income neighborhoods, you might support more gyms, courts, tracks, fields…and coaches…and equipment…and dance classes and art and music lessons….since the students would typically have less available to them.

If, instead, you believe in equal outcomes, how can you achieve that without being discriminatory?

Please respond with ideas/comments. Because freedom and liberty bring opportunity. But do not guarantee results. Marxism is based on equal outcomes, at least in theory. In practice, Marxism has never brought equal opportunity or equal outcomes.

What kind of country do you want? One striving for freedom and opportunity for all? Or one denying it to all?

Son of Liberty 2020

Freedom of the Press? Why?

The Constitution was drafted, debated, and approved at the Constitutional Convention without any delineation of individual rights and freedoms. Because…it was believed by many…that such declarations were unnecessary. Since any power and authority of government was explicitly described. Thus the limits of government’s power would be clear.

However, (pardon the simplicity) enough argued they would not support the Constitution for ratification if it did not explicitly delineate individual rights, freedoms, and liberties. In order to ensure those rights 50 years…100 years…200+ years in to the future. When some would revert to the concept that rights and freedoms were actually privileges bestowed by a benevolent King and Parliament….President and Congress….by a tolerant majority.

Thus the Bill of Rights were written and passed as additions to the Constitution.

Why is Freedom of the Press one of the freedoms/rights explicitly declared in the first amendment to the Constitution? What purpose does “The Press” serve?

Simply put: to be a watchdog for the people on the government. To always…consistently…unceasingly question and challenge government, i.e. elected officials, appointed officials…hired bureaucrats who actually work for the government.

In the modern context “The Press” would more clearly be stated as “The Media”, since it would include tv/radio/internet based press. The question remains: What purpose does “The Press” serve in 2021 when President Biden has not held a press conference…has not taken questions from the press, since he took office? Already President Biden has exceeded any president in the last 100 years in not being available to the press for questions.

How can the press question and challenge government when the head of government is not available for questions?

What does it say about “The Media” when members of the media such as CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CBS, ABC, NBC, et. al., do not raise this point? When “The Media” accept President Biden’s unavailability? When “The Media” instead cover the animal pets in the White House?

What does it mean when the watchdog for the people…guaranteed its place and rights…fails to do its job? What does it mean for the United States of America when the government is not answerable to the people?

And do we want our government not to be answerable to the people?

Son of Liberty 2020

Nursing Home Deaths=Cuomo Great

Order nursing homes in New York to admit Covid 19 positive patients…in late March 2020 when the pandemic had already hit New York, which was the epicenter in the US for infections and deaths, and infection rate per capita and deaths per capita. And then keep that order in effect at least well in to May 2020.

Then write a book about the great job he did in dealing with Covid.

Then receive an Emmy award for his “inspiring, commanding” news updates.

Democrats: deaf to it.

Some women make accusations…and some Democrats start calling for him to resign. Then others pile on….since they now think they will benefit politically. DeBlasio…why would anyone listen to him? Gilldebrand….continuing her un-democratic calls for pressuring elected officials to resign over accusations, which he actually denies…but supported him throughout 2020…why would anyone listen to her?

Once again, a politician will not face the voters, but instead will be driven out by the mob.

Even if you see Cuomo for who he is and has been. Even if you think he should pay an actual legal price for his terrible decisions regarding nursing homes. You can still support a legitimate, dispassionate process to be followed.

American in the Democrats mind…mob rule. Yes?

Son of Liberty 2020

Freedoms or Democrats

I don’t say the “N” word. Out of recognition and respect. Because of what it means to some. And how it’s been used to hurt black people.

But I have the right to say it.

I don’t draw pictures of Muhammad. Out of respect for the beliefs of others (Muslims, in this case).

But I have the right to do it.

I reject Liberal/Progressive dogmatism and bigotry. Out of a thinking mind.

But I support the rights of Liberal/Progressives to speak, comment, discuss, and share their ideas.

Do Liberal/Progressives believe I have the right to say the word?

…..Draw the image?

Do Liberal/Progressives support my rights to speak, comment, discuss, and share my ideas, even if they don’t match theirs?

Or am I on the short list to be shut down?

Son of Liberty 2020

Who Are Your Sources for News

Freedom of the Press is enshrined in the Constitution to protect the Fourth Estate, the media, as it fulfills its role. Which is to be a watchdog on politicians and government. Reporting accurately, skeptically questioning and examining, always vigilant in expecting politicians/government to slip off the rails and go after power, money, influence, and control. Is your source a watchdog?

Take CNN, for example. Which had had a reputation as being a legitimate news organization. Does CNN report the news…or shape the news? Does CNN challenge politicians on both sides of the spectrum, or do they only challenge Republicans? As a test, consider the reporting on the pandemic and actions by governors, starting with CNN’s treatment of Gov. Cuomo during the past year.

If you are unsure, do a simple brain exercise. Imagine the actions and results would be the same, but imagine that the governor of New York who ordered nursing homes to accept infected patients had been a Republican. The story would have been the same…just with a Republican causing it instead of the Democrat Cuomo. How do you think CNN would have reported on the story?

Do the same such exercise with any number of other governors and other topics/issues/actions.

Who are your sources for legitimate, skeptical yet honest and accurate news reporting?

Why do you trust your source(s)?

Are they trying to inform you of the news…or shape your thinking?

Are you not capable of thinking and deciding for yourself? Or do you need to be led?

Do you think the Emperor’s new outfit looks good?

Son of Liberty 2020

How Long Will They Milk It?

There are still troops in the streets in Washington, D.C. Are we becoming an occupied country? Well, no, since those troops are our troops. If you somehow think that a democracy, with a constitution that delineates and limits the power of government, where power is vested in civilian authority rather than the military, is less democratic with troops enforcing the power of government, then you are a step ahead.

Right now those in government are acclimating us to accept an active troop presence in our nation’s capital. Saying there’s a risk of violent extremists acting again.

As if there hasn’t been a risk every single day of this country’s existence.

The entrenched Democrats, many of whom have been in DC for 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, are talking in Congress about purging “conservative” news channels from cable. Do you support purging from the public sphere “conservative” media, reporters, presenters, commentators? So you can “feel safe”.

The crushing of freedom sometimes has been through violent seizure of power, such as in the Russian Revolution. Other times, however, it has developed gradually, such as in fascist countries in the 1920s/30s.

Freedom entails risks. “Safety and security” do not. They only cost our freedom. And when freedom is gone, so are the limits on those who have power. Or did Robespierre actually die from natural causes, safe and secure in his bed?

Son of Liberty 2020

Why Don’t They

A little thought experiment. To sharpen your understanding of what you really value.

If you’re white and think whites are racist (all whites…all racist), then why don’t you give your house…money….car….computer…keys to non-white people.

If you’re a believer in climate change and that we should “do something”, why don’t you turn down your heat, not run your a/c, turn off most of your lights, sell your car (if you’re a racist white who feels guilty you’d give it away), turn off your computer/phone/tv, not go on any trips you can’t walk/pedal/or train to, turn away from celebrities who jet around to tell others about climate change.

If you’re a liberal/progressive non-black PoC, why don’t you speak out about how people of your color/race/ethnicity really think of black people. China is notorious for thinking blacks are inferior. The caste system in India is very complicated..but the highest castes in society have traditionally been the lightest skin, haven’t they?

In other words, why don’t you live out what you say you value? Where is the cost to you of your beliefs? To change the world, the change agents must pay a price. Let’s see it.

Son of Liberty 2020