For more than a year, CNN and other “news media” have not only repeated the talking points of the Chinese Communist Party about the C-virus, but they labeled questions about the origins as “conspiracy theories”. They both blindly accepted that what the Chinese Communist Party said was true. And….the actively supported it to further their own purposes.
A “news organization” that uncritically repeats what the Communist Party says ………. what does that say about their standards of journalistic integrity? A “news organization” that labels questions as “conspiracy theories” ……. what does that say about their standards of journalistic ethics?
If you have watched CNN as a source for news, perhaps your main source for news, then you must stop and consider what they have done to suppress the news…the facts…the accurate understanding. And….you must ask yourself why you were willing to accept their evasions, redirections, distortions, and even lies. Why would you accept what they said…when they were working against questioning, considering, challenging, debating….all of which lead to better understanding.
Why did you listen to them?
Why did you believe them?
Why didn’t you question more?
Are you satisfied with your role as a sheep being led by people who distort and lie to your face?
What havoc have you helped support and even foster by your biases…and your unwillingness to question what you were being told?
What is the state of the world today?
Son of Liberty 2020