Mandates have been lifted. Because of “success”. Not because of failure. Or overreach.
Ready to be reimplemented with the next variant.
Which is expected to appear after the distraction of Russia invading Ukraine wears off.
New York City: basketball player Kyrie Irving is not allowed to play home games for the Brooklyn Nets because he is unvaccinated. Even though the visiting teams can have unvaccinated players play for them. wtf?!
Even though spectators can (now) be unvaccinated and in the building. wtf?!
Even though Kyrie Irving can attend the game as a spectator. wtf?!
If you don’t know what that means, watch Star Trek, the Next Generation, first 3 episodes about the Borg.
Mandates must end. Vaccine mandates. Mask mandates. They must end because they are failures. And falsely based.
Son of Liberty 2020