4 years of it. 4 years of incessant resistance. No consequence….no connection. How Democrats can act so completely innocent of the destruction they have fostered to American ideals, concepts, and values….is truly a wonder.
Declaring “Resist”…even before Trump was sworn in as President. And then actively resisting. Some, only some examples include: protests/riots after the election in Nov. 2016…Representative Maxine Waters urging Democrats to harass people who worked for the Trump administration, even when they were just out at a public restaurant with their family…Senator Chuck Schumer declaring, even before President Trump had made a nomination, that Senate Democrats were going to oppose Trump’s nominee any way they could…which led to “Believe the Woman!!!” (even with NO EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND) and the presumption of guilt…Impeachment of Trump for no reason other than Democrats unwillingness to accept the results of the election in 2016….The Shooting of Republican lawmakers who were playing softball….
Where did Democrats think it was going to lead? Do they have any responsibility for “inciting”?
Does Maxine Waters..who incited?
Does Hillary Clinton…who said not to accept the results of the election in Nov. 2020?
Does Chuck Schumer…who put party above country by declaring complete opposition to the nominee…even before there was a nominee?
Does Nancy Pelosi…who called them stormtroopers?
You don’t have to be a Republican to see the Democrats for what they are. In fact, if you are an Independent, perhaps you can see even better. Look…and be appalled.
Son of Liberty 2020