Our northern neighbors once again come through. And beat the woke US Women’s Soccer team…denying them the chance for gold at the Olympics. Go Canada Go!!!
Never before have I been glad that a US team has lost. But after seeing these athletes kneel instead of stand….claim oppression when they are incredibly privileged….decry racism/sexism/bigotry/prejudice while practicing such against white men who are Americans and don’t apologize for it……I can only say “good…glad you lost”.
You represent the entire country. Act like it. You don’t represent just your small, bigoted group. Protest on your own time. On your own dime. Use your platform…you can accomplish much. Abuse your platform…you then turn people against you. What have you accomplished?
If you true goal is to improve society and the country, you must change your approach. Because now your true goal is self-aggrandizement and glorification. While failing to improve things for those you say care about.
Humility is the beginning of wisdom. Pride goeth before the fall. US Women’s Soccer team, track athletes, Lebron and Burn/Loot/Mayhem supporters…..it’s a long fall from where you are.
Son of Liberty 2020