Today is ANZAC Day, marking the landings at Gallipoli. A campaign of promise, bungled by so many experts, costing so many their lives. In a war that still, even over 100 years later, seems like such a colossal blunder carried out at horrific cost.
For the USA (and allies) Vietnam follows right in that. Politicians making decisions…as “experts”…with no overriding value or reason, except for their own myopic importance. Costing thousands and thousands of troops their lives…many more their peace of mind…not to mention the destruction rained down on Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
Currently we are coming up on 20 years in Afghanistan. And…and….and…Democrats are arguing to extend the involvement. (Why?…..because the former President had negotiated to end it…and everything he did/said/thought/would think in the future was bad and must be opposed.)
We the people give power to the government. So often government members and politicians forget and act like they are truly the experts. And that they bestow privileges on us.
The states in the USA with the highest rates of covid infections and deaths are those that imposed the most stringent shutdowns, lockdowns, and controls. Yet expert Dr. Fauci says that is because of “non-compliance”. The experts….who are expert in fearmongering and in keeping power.
Where will we end up? After World War I 3 empires collapsed…revolutions broke out…and the “war to end all wars” led to wars in Turkey/Greece, Russia/Poland, civil wars and uprisings in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, the Caucasus. “Experts” must be watched carefully.
Son of Liberty 2020