Not on cable news.
Not in print at the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, or the New York Times.
Freedom of the Press was written down and put into the Constitution in 1789 to ensure that future politicians, government officials, and the people would know it was an unalienable right. Not a privilege granted. But a right that PRECEDES government.
The right still exists. But where is “The Press”?
CNN is the best example of what had been a news channel that abandoned that independence and purpose of mission to become the arbiter of thought.
In 2016 when CNN decided to actively work AGAINST one specific candidate. Then, after Trump won in spite of their targeting of him, CNN continued to work against the President of the United States. Not as “The Press” carrying out its purpose and mission of holding government/officials accountable to the people.
No details of that necessary here.
The results: CNN working actively to get Joe Biden elected. Even though Biden could not complete 3 sentences and was mentally incapable of campaigning, let alone being President.
The results: the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan (American servicemen/women having their lives thrown away, Afghans having their names/addresses given to the Taliban, military equipment abandoned to the Taliban). That bill has been paid and will be paid again and again.
The results: the boarder crises with thousands of illegal immigrants pouring in to this country without coming through the front door, handled so badly even some black people (BLM, Sharpton, Maxine Waters) are calling it out. They are not going after Biden and the Border Czar Vice President of Color Harris….that might be a bridge too far. But the disaster at the boarder is Biden’s. That bill is being paid and will be paid again and again.
The results: Irresponsible weakening of US/Allies position and relationships in the Middle East, with the dramatically increased threat to energy supplies, after Biden stopped the US program for energy independence. That bill has been paid and will be paid again and again.
The results: Mandates forcing people to get a vaccine that does NOT provide immunity or keep the vaccinated from spreading covid. In New York City some are actually bumping up against the inconvenient truth: black people are less likely to be vaccinated…government mandating vaccines for work/stores/restaurants/gyms/etc….black people kept out of daily activities. Mandates by the DEMOCRATS. That work against BLACK PEOPLE. Who vote OVERWHELMINGLY FOR Democrats. That’s not a bill. It is a reality. And…for some black people…perhaps….might become a conundrum. Might…just might….force them to look long and hard at how Democrats operate. Who has power…who gets money/paid…who lives the good life and who can’t go in to a restaurant.
CNN should have been covering the above. The Press keeps government accountable. Even if they are Democrats. Even if they are not Trump.
Where is “The Press”?
Is it becoming clear why “Freedom of the Press” is an inalienable right? And fundamental need for this country…for our rights and liberties? Commitment to the truth…not the party.
Son of Liberty 2020