Short and sweet: Do you listen to respond? Or do you listen to consider and understand?
Listening to respond includes: being silent while the other person is speaking, but not actually listening or considering what they are saying. Just waiting til they stop so you can speak.
Listening to respond includes: grabbing words they said and misusing them. Or adding on to them things the other person didn’t say or mean. And then using your projections to have a full blast for your view.
Do you listen with curiosity? Curiosity does not mean agreement. It might even be the “that makes no sense…what are you talking about?” response. Which….still… you trying to figure out what the other is saying.
So many people today, particularly the talking mouths on tv/cable/internet, do not seem to be curious.
They have already decided.
They already know everything they need to know.
They know everything they need to know.
They know everything they need to know.
(Pssssst…..hey… what point do you see the absurdity of that mindset? At what point do you recognize that it is a way to shut down the challenge…to keep you from having to consider your own understanding….to actually do some work?)
Do you want to understand more than you did?
Or do you want to ossify into a closed minded statue who can only be chiseled at because your mind no longer has blood flowing through it…is no longer curious….?
Let’s give curiosity a chance. It’s actually much easier than the arrogance of thinking you know everything you need to know.
Son of Liberty 2020