Print money like it’s a game. Give it to people without any connection to need or specific situation. To everyone. Then promise another payout if the people in Georgia vote for the Democrat. And give unemployment money to people who could be at work.
In the 1920s it was spending on the margin. In the 2020s it’s give away money to buy complacency. Run your election campaign declaring you will solve the covid crisis. Then, after almost a year of failure, say the solution will not come from the national government.
Make Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowes, and Amazon rich beyond measure. Harm and even destroy thousands of small independent businesses.
When will viewers of CNN realize they have been duped? That they, indeed, are dupes? How deep had the Titanic sunk before some of the faithful stopped declaring it unsinkable, as a matter of fact?
Once they started calling for payments on the debts, the Great Depression was upon us. When will the bill be called in this?
Son of Liberty 2020