You need an ID to buy alcohol…tobacco…pot…controlled medicine ordered by your doctor. You need an ID to enter a bar or club or casino. Did you know you are the victim of racism? If you’re black, you likely don’t have an ID, because somehow Biden and Democrats think black people don’t know how to get …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
First Woman President of USA…Installed, not Elected
Is there a pool like for March Madness or the World Cup for how much longer the powers behind the throne will keep Biden in position? With the tie-breaking question being: how will they remove him….1) he announces he physically can’t do the job “anymore” (why, yes, those clothes look great on you, Emperor)….2) his …
Continue reading “First Woman President of USA…Installed, not Elected”
The Media as Watchdog or Lapdog
Is the media to report the news…or create it? In 2016 the MSM seemed to decide that they needed to stop Trump. First from getting elected, then while he was in office. Yet the media should NOT be creating the news or working against any one politician unless they work as a watchdog against all …
What Do You Want from Your Country?
Do you want: Equal Opportunity? or Equal Outcomes? If you want Equal Opportunity, then you would support color-blind, race-blind, sex-blind, ethnic-blind laws and policies. And…..because of historical denial of equal opportunity, you could, and perhaps would, support some measures to “catch-up” for those who had previously been denied. Such measures to “catch-up” would have to …
Freedom of the Press? Why?
The Constitution was drafted, debated, and approved at the Constitutional Convention without any delineation of individual rights and freedoms. Because…it was believed by many…that such declarations were unnecessary. Since any power and authority of government was explicitly described. Thus the limits of government’s power would be clear. However, (pardon the simplicity) enough argued they would …
Nursing Home Deaths=Cuomo Great
Order nursing homes in New York to admit Covid 19 positive patients…in late March 2020 when the pandemic had already hit New York, which was the epicenter in the US for infections and deaths, and infection rate per capita and deaths per capita. And then keep that order in effect at least well in to …
Freedoms or Democrats
I don’t say the “N” word. Out of recognition and respect. Because of what it means to some. And how it’s been used to hurt black people. But I have the right to say it. I don’t draw pictures of Muhammad. Out of respect for the beliefs of others (Muslims, in this case). But I …
Who Are Your Sources for News
Freedom of the Press is enshrined in the Constitution to protect the Fourth Estate, the media, as it fulfills its role. Which is to be a watchdog on politicians and government. Reporting accurately, skeptically questioning and examining, always vigilant in expecting politicians/government to slip off the rails and go after power, money, influence, and control. …
How Long Will They Milk It?
There are still troops in the streets in Washington, D.C. Are we becoming an occupied country? Well, no, since those troops are our troops. If you somehow think that a democracy, with a constitution that delineates and limits the power of government, where power is vested in civilian authority rather than the military, is less …
Why Don’t They
A little thought experiment. To sharpen your understanding of what you really value. If you’re white and think whites are racist (all whites…all racist), then why don’t you give your house…money….car….computer…keys to non-white people. If you’re a believer in climate change and that we should “do something”, why don’t you turn down your heat, not …