How Long Will They Milk It?

There are still troops in the streets in Washington, D.C. Are we becoming an occupied country? Well, no, since those troops are our troops. If you somehow think that a democracy, with a constitution that delineates and limits the power of government, where power is vested in civilian authority rather than the military, is less …

Why Don’t They

A little thought experiment. To sharpen your understanding of what you really value. If you’re white and think whites are racist (all whites…all racist), then why don’t you give your house…money….car….computer…keys to non-white people. If you’re a believer in climate change and that we should “do something”, why don’t you turn down your heat, not …

Appropriation..First Thoughts

Have you noticed how terms have been/are being used for current political/cultural purposes? Here are a few with their general original meaning and their current use: Fascism then: political parties beginning in the 1920s based in extreme nationalism, undergirded by increasing limits on freedoms, rights, and safeguard of individual liberties, with increasing levels of totalitarian …

The Cs: CNN, Cruz, and Cuomo

Any difference in how CNN has covered Gov. Cuomo’s disastrous order requiring nursing homes in New York to admit Covid-19 positive patients…given in later March 2020…still in effect at least into May 2020 compared to Sen. Cruz’s decision to go on vacation? One led to infections and deaths of hundreds…thousands. The other led to….wait, he’s …

Who Are The “Fact-Checkers”?

Who are they? What credentials do they have? Who checks on the “fact-checkers” to make sure they themselves are factual and accurate? What are the standards for “fact-checking”? Impartiality? Honesty? Full disclosure of…connections…relationships…money interests…? Is it the really the job of tech platforms to limit speech and content for “fact-checking”? Why? What if some people …

“He’s Not My President!!…Resist!!…”

4 years of it. 4 years of incessant resistance. No consequence….no connection. How Democrats can act so completely innocent of the destruction they have fostered to American ideals, concepts, and values….is truly a wonder. Declaring “Resist”…even before Trump was sworn in as President. And then actively resisting. Some, only some examples include: protests/riots after the …